Our Software

You deserve the best.

We work hard to help you create strategy simpler, execute easier, and get everyone on the same page. StrategyFrog's software design keeps you front and center.

Our View

Client centered

Software should be fun to use, easy, and make an impact on your organization. Since you use it daily, you deserve the best.

That's why each day we focus on making your strategy easy to create and simpler to execute. We create great software to help your organization leap ahead of the competition. Check out our design priorities below.

Our Design Principles


Be easy to use

We take no shortcuts with our approach to your user experience; every keystroke should be easy to make your work great. It's a fine balance.


Provide clarity

What's the use of having data if no one knows about it? StrategyFrog's software gives everybody insight into what's really happening. We just want everything to be clear.


Be on the same page

Some say it's too hard for everyone in an organization to be in sync. We disagree. StrategyFrog's software is made so everyone holds up their part of the bargain.


Hit the mark

When you put it all together, things really happen. Creating strategy simply and executing effectively makes all the difference for your organization. That's our aim.


Make it useful - and beautiful

We create software, but we think of ourselves as more than developers; we're artists. If it's not functional, not useful, and not beautiful, why do it? Our goal is to make something special to please you.


Less is more

Each day, we reconsider every aspect of our work to make sure that you're using the most essential tools, unburdened by "fluff." Sometimes we get so excited, we want to scream and tell everyone!

Get started on StrategyFrog

The simplest way to create and execute your strategy