What is TIMELINE VIEW? What are its key features?

Introduction to Timeline #

The Timeline View lets you see your work in a “Gantt chart” and provides a perspective over time. This is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule.  Gantt charts also show the dependency relationships between activities and the current schedule status.

The Timeline View includes the Manage Menu Bar and the Timeline Items.

Manage Menu Bar #

Please see the Manage Menu Bar section for more information about selecting filter and sort options to manage your work.

Timeline Items #

The Timeline Items section allows you to analyze your work in greater detail from a timing perspective.

  1. Collapse and Expand All. This allows you to collapse or expand all related items listed in the Timeline View.
  2. Collapse and Expand Item. This allows you to collapse or expand each set of related items listed in the Timeline View.
  3. Show Left Bar. This allows you to see more details about your work items.
  4. Day/Month Toggle. This allows you to toggle between seeing your work laid out in time by the Day or the Month.
  5. Title. This displays the title of your work item.
  6. Width Adjuster. This allows you to adjust the width of the narrower or broader columns.
  7. Start Date. This displays the Start Date of your work items.
  8. Progress. This displays the percentage (%) progress of your work items.
  9. Create a Child Item. This item allows you to create a Child Item of work aligned to a Parent Item already created in the system.
  10. Timeline View. This displays your work items, either by day or month.
  11. Item Connector. This shows how your work items are connected.
  12. View Options. This allows you to access more features for your work item. You can View, Editor Archive.
  13. Jump to Start. This allows you to be sent directly when the work item begins in the Timeline View.
  14. Item. This shows work items and shows who is leading them.
  15. Scroll. This allows you to move forward or backward in time to see your work in the Timeline View.
What are your feelings
Updated on December 28, 2022