What is the WHO WE ARE section? How do I use it?

The Who We Are section displays your organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values.


  • Mission. A mission statement is a brief, powerful statement of why the organization exists. It uses bold, clear, and memorable language, inspiring people to support the work done by the organization. Mission statements describe what the organization accomplishes.
  • Vision. A vision statement describes a for-profit or nonprofit organization’s ultimate goals and overarching purpose. It serves as the cornerstone of strategic planning, providing an organization with direction and a general destination and defining its aspirations and values.   A well-defined organizational identity is critical to inspire and align your leaders toward successfully implementing your strategy. It is part emotional, intending to inspire people to imagine a better future, and part rational, presenting a view of the future that everyone can believe in.
  • Values. Core values are the guiding principles that dictate behavior and action within an organization. They help organizations determine if they are fulfilling their purpose and achieving their goals through the right behaviors. They create an unwavering and unchanging guide. Values answer “What are our guiding principles?”
What are your feelings
Updated on December 20, 2022