What are the CARD ITEMS on HOME | BOARD? How do I use them?

Using Card Items #

My Workstreams provides an overview of your work by sharing a summary of each significant project you lead.  You will notice these items in the My Workstreams Toolbar.

Card Items #

A Card Item provides a quick snapshot summary of each project you lead. It has the following features:

  • Item Title. This displays the title of your work item.
  • View Options. This allows you to transition to Overview, ManageView, Editor Archive. (These are different ways to view and edit your work.)
  • Balanced ScorecardPerspective. This icon indicates how this work item is aligned with your organization’s strategic priorities.
  • ItemLeader. This indicates who is leading this work item. You can also identify Supporters of the work.
  • Progress. This indicates the current progress made on the work item.
  • Status. This indicates if your work item is On TrackAt RiskOff TrackCompletedor Not Started. The status for each item is presented in a unique color. 
  • Favorite. This star represents if this item is a “favorite.” If it is yellow, this item has been selected as a favorite and can be viewed quickly by selecting favorite in the My Workstreamstool bar.
  • Due Date. This displays when the work item is due.
What are your feelings
Updated on December 20, 2022