How do I access TREE VIEW Access Options?

  1. Click the to access View Options and Select the feature you want. You can transition to Overview, Editor Archive.
  • Overview. This provides a summary of your work item (i.e., Strategic Objective, Strategic Initiative, Objective, Key Result, or Task). It includes progress history and the ability to create (or add) “child” items.
  • Edit. This provides an editable view of this work item.
  • Archive. This feature allows you to archive (or store) this work item.
  1. Hover over the (person’s picture) to learn who is the Item Leader or Supporter(s).
  2. Hover over the  (symbol) to learn which Balanced Scorecard Perspective is aligned with this work item.
  3. Hover over the   (percentage progress) to see the Item’s Progress.
  4. Hover over the Item Title to see the full title.
What are your feelings
Updated on December 27, 2022