What are the features of a TREE VIEW Card?

A Tree View Card Item provides a quick snapshot of each item of Goal Level Type Item in your work. It has the following features:

  1. Status. This indicates if your work item is Not StartedOn TrackAt RiskOff Trackor Completed. The status for each item is presented in a unique color.
  2. Favorite. This star represents if this item is a “favorite.” If it is yellow, then this item has been selected as a favorite and can be viewed quickly by selecting favorite in the My Workstreamstool bar in the Home 
  3. Expand & Collapse. This allows you to see items in your work hierarchy. (Note: The number in this feature indicates the number of items in the following hierarchy level.)
  4. Progress. This indicates the current progress made on the work item.
  5. Item Title. This displays the title of your work item.
  6. View Options. This allows you to transition to Overview, Editor Archive. (These are different ways to view and edit your work.)
  7. Balanced Scorecard Perspective. This icon indicates how this work item is aligned with your organization’s strategic priorities.
  8. Item Leader. This indicates who is leading this work item (or it could also display the Supporters in your work).
  9. Due Date. This displays when the work item is due.
What are your feelings
Updated on December 27, 2022